If you are looking to buy or sell a home, choosing an agent to represent you can be a challenge.  What should you look for in a good agent?  In the next few paragraphs I’ll give you an insider look at what makes a great agent (spoiler alert:  I’m the best pick! 😊)

“If you don’t ask the right questions, you might never know if you have a good Realtor.”

When I am in need of other service professionals, I always ask around for recommendations.  The same goes for Realtors.  If your friends were happy with their Realtor, then that is a good start.  However, if you don’t ask the right questions, you might never know if you have a good Realtor.  Ask your friends about their transaction.  Did all parties involved do their job competently?  (Both Realtors, title company, loan officer, surveyor, inspector, appraiser, etc.)  If any of these groups “dropped the ball”, you have one important question that should be on your mind.

What did their Realtor do next?!?

Realtors cannot directly control how well the title company performs, but they can certainly pick up the phone and stay in communication with them.   Remember, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.  The same goes for any of the other parties involved with the transaction.  If there was a problem, did your friends feel like their Realtor fought for their interests?  Realtors have a fiduciary responsibility to their clients.  (Loyalty, Confidentiality, Disclosure, Obedience, Reasonable Care, and Accounting)  For more on this visit the National Association of Realtor page here.

It’s disappointing how many agents I have seen neglect their fiduciary responsibilities in order to close a deal.  I refer to it as the client getting “buddy system’d.”  Their agent didn’t fight for them and gave away their client’s position in order to close the deal and move on.

Today’s market has many agents:  Beware the part-timer…

Many people have their real estate license for many different reasons.  If you are considering a part time agent, ask these three questions first:

Real estate transactions happen at all times of the day and night.  Will someone with a day job be able to facilitate the deal while at their “nine to five”?

The ability to close deals efficiently has much to do with the agent’s rapport with other real estate professionals.  Does the part time agent have the connections and relationships established with the title company, loan officer, other agents, etc?

As in any profession, having a support network behind you is a very valuable asset in real estate.  Does the part time agent have the ability to ask more experienced agents if there are unique problems with the transaction?

An example of a part time agent that might meet these criteria would be someone whose spouse was the “main bread winner” and also worked in the industry (builder, lawyer, loan officer, etc.)  In this case the agent could be available, knowledgeable, and have the resources needed to provide excellent service.

I hope this helps you in your search for an agent.  I have made a career out of getting the most for my clients and I would love to fight for you too!  Send me a text and let me know how I can help!